A versatile plasmonic thermogel for disinfection of antimicrobial resistant bacteria
Mohamed A Abdou Mohamed, Vahid Raeesi, Patricia V Turner, Anu Rebbapragada, Kate Banks, Warren CW Chan
Biomaterials, Volume 97, August 2016, Pages 154-163 | DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2016.04.009
The increasing occurrence of antimicrobial resistance among bacteria is a global problem that requires the development of alternative techniques to eradicate these superbugs. Herein, we used a combination of thermosensitive biocompatible polymer and gold nanorods to specifically deliver, preserve and confine heat to the area of interest. Our data demonstrates that this technique can be used to kill both Gram positive and Gram negative antimicrobial resistant bacteria in vitro. Our approach significantly reduces the antimicrobial resistant bacteria load in experimentally infected wounds by 98% without harming the surrounding tissues. More importantly, this polymer-nanocomposite can be prepared easily and applied to the wounds, can generate heat using a hand-held laser device, is safe for the operator, and does not have any adverse effects on the wound tissue and healing process.